What is tomasherudek.com?
Tomasherudek.com is a website that offers royalty-free stock music and SFX for filmmakers and creators.
Whom is tomasherudek.com designed for?
The site is designed and intended for filmmakers and everyone else who is involved in video, film, social media content or game production.
Who creates the music?
All of the music and SFX was created by Tomas Herudek. Read more.
Filmmaker Plan
How much does the Filmmaker Plan cost?
The Filmmaker Plan costs 19.99 €/year. Plan is billed annually, and you can cancel anytime. Your plan will remain active until the one-year period from your purchase expires.
How can I access the music after I purchase the License/Plan?
First visit the Library. Open an account on disco.ac - the service that provides the library. For example, try clicking on the download button on the right of every song, and you'll be directed to a login/sign-up page (or click the 'Sign in' button in the up-right corner). Click 'Create a free DISCO Catalog account' and fill out the form – please use the same email you entered on tomasherudek.com. It's a quick and simple process. Your library access request will be sent to me, and if you have a valid Subscription Plan, I'll authorize you. The process should not take more than a few hours, but it's usually immediate. After that, you can go directly to the Library to browse and download the music at any time.
Why do I have to open two accounts, and why is the Library on a external service - Disco.ac?
Disco.ac provides superb music management services that enable you to efficiently browse, filter, and download the music – simply, clearly, and intuitively. That's why I chose an external service for the Library; it's more convenient and efficient for you, the customer.
How many tracks can I download?
As many as you wish.
How can I cancel my Filmmaker Plan?
You can cancel your Subscription Plan in your profile page under "My Subscriptions". Or you can contact me directly on tomas.herudek@gmail.com or here.
Can I use the tracks I download during the subscription period after I cancel my subscription?
After you cancel, you'll still be able to download and use all the music until the end of your yearly period. For example, if you purchase your Plan on the 1st of January 2024 and cancel the plan on the 2nd of January 2024, you'll still be able to download the music until the 1st of January 2025. After that you won't be able to download more music. You can then still use the music you've downloaded during your valid subscription, but you won't be able to clear your videos from YouTube copyright claims after your subscription period ends.
Can I recieve the license certificate in a .pdf format?
Yes, if you'd like to have the license certificate in a .pdf format, please contact me.
How can I access my 2000+ SFX gift?
You'll get an email with the link for download the SFX and you'll be always able to access the link in the SUBSCRIBER'S ZONE section.
Is the Filmmaker Plan renewed automatically?
Yes. Until you decide to cancel your subscription.
How do I pay?
You can make payments using PayPal or a credit/debit card.
Music, License and YouTube copyright claims
What is a license and what is a blanket license and what can I do with the music?
Having a music license means that you have obtained legal permission from the copyright owner to use a specific piece of music for a particular purpose.
It does not mean you own the music! Music licenses are agreements between the copyright owner (typically the songwriter, composer, or music publisher) and the person or entity seeking to use the music.
Having a music license is crucial because it ensures that you are using the music legally and ethically, respecting the intellectual property rights of the creators. Without the appropriate license, the use of music may infringe on copyright laws, leading to legal consequences and potential financial liabilities. Licenses also help compensate the creators for their work, as fees paid for licenses often go to the copyright holders.
Blanket license provides broad permissions for the use of multiple songs within a catalog or library.
What means non-exclusive, perpetual licence?
A non-exclusive license means that the license is not limited to a single party. The copyright owner (licensor) can grant the same or similar rights to multiple licensees. Other individuals or entities may also obtain licenses for the same piece of music.
Perpetual means that the license does not have a set expiration date. Once granted, the licensee has the right to use the AV work containing the music indefinitely. The license continues without the need for renewal, subject to adherence to the terms and conditions outlined in the license agreement.
Can I monetize my video on YouTube?
Yes, but you have to clear your videos from copyright claims in the SUBSCRIBER'S ZONE section.
I uploaded a video with the music on YouTube and recieved a copyright claim. What should I do?
Due to a large number of unauthorized uses of my music on YouTube, I registered my library with YouTube Content ID (what is YouTube CID?).
This means that if you upload a video containing my music on YouTube, you'll likely receive a copyright claim on that video, which will prevent you from monetizing it.
But don't worry! Simply fill out the form in the SUBSCRIBER'S ZONE section, and your video will soon be cleared from the claim. You won't lose any earnings that would have been generated during the time when the video was claimed.
You can clear as many videos as you want.
Is the License valid worldwide?
Can I transfer my License?
Even though you can use the song as many times as you wish during your subscription, that applies only to you. The license is non-transferable, and only your name or the name of your company will be written on the license certificate – you cannot transfer the license to other parties. Of course, you can create an AV work for a client, and you can transfer that end product to your client. This license is then transferred to your client, but only in the form of a whole audiovisual work, and the client cannot use the music alone in any future project.
Can I edit/re-master or remix the music?
Sure! You can edit a song in order to make it fit your video project. You can also edit the order of individual parts of the song. However, unless you contact me and we come to an agreement, you cannot create a song or remix using my music.
Do I have to credit the author?
You can credit me, but it's not mandatory (unless you didn't purchase the Filmmaker Plan and you are using the Free Music. In that case, you have to credit me). I would very much appreciate it though. The proper way to do it is to copy this short text and add it to the description of your video:
Music by Tomas Herudek
Track(s): *name(s) of the track(s)*
Free Music
How can I use the Free Music?
You can use the music contained in the Free Music Library in your social media videos (on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube and any other online social media). But only on social media. For an advanced license (commercial client work, TV, broadcasting, feature films, trailers, audiobooks, games and software) and the access to my whole music library you have to purchase the 'Filmmaker Plan'.
How can I access and download the Free Music?
First, visit the library here: free.tomasherudek.com. Open an account on disco.ac, the service that provides the library. For example, try clicking on the download button on the right of every song, and you'll be directed to a login/sign-up page (or click the 'Sign in' button in the upper-right corner). Click 'Create a free DISCO Catalog account' and fill out the form. It's a quick and simple process. Your library access request will be sent to me, and I'll authorize you. The authorization process should not take more than a few hours, but it's usually immediate. After that, you can go directly to the Free Library to browse and download the music at any time.
Will I get a copyright claim if I use the Free Music?
The music contained in the Free Music Library is not registered with YouTube Content ID, Meta Rights Manager, or any similar service, so theoretically, you shouldn't get any copyright claims. However, all of the free tracks are registered with PROs, which sometimes mistakenly claim videos on YouTube or Facebook. If that happens, please contact me, and I'll release the claim ASAP.
Are there any conditions for using the Free Music?
Yes. Every time you use the Free Music in your video, you have to credit me in the video description (see above).
What can't I do with the Free Music?
You can't distribute AV works containing the Free Music outside of online social media. You can't claim the Free Music as your own, sell the Free Music anywhere, or use the Free Music without crediting me in the video description. Unless you contact me and we come to an agreement, you cannot create a song or remix using my music.
In what file format is the music and SFX?
You can download The Music in .wav or .mp3. All the sound effects are in the .wav format. Music in the Free Music Library is available only in .mp3 format.